We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time.
The students first look at how they can carry out this investigation, completing an investigation plan. After the seeds are planted they’ll measure the height of each plant every week and record their findings on the table.
As part of the sheet they’ll need to work out differences in heights.
We suggest using 4 - 5 different types of plants, ideally ones with a clear difference in growth rate. How you carry this investigation out depends greatly on the space you have available. You may choose to use separate plant pots or maybe you have a veg patch available.
It’s good to discuss the importance of the plants being in the same locations. Why is the sun important for plants? Why is water important? You can go into as much or little detail as needed in these discussions.
It can be useful to set up a timetable of who is going to care for the plants each day. If you choose to use fruits or vegetables (highly recommended!) you can then go onto use these as another stimulus for activities.
Suggested Plants:
Baby Carrots
Bush Beans
Green Onions
Summer Squash
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Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time. The students first look at how they can carry out this investigation, completing an investigation plan.
After the seeds are planted they’ll measure the height of each plant every week and record their findings on the table. As part of the sheet they’ll need to work out differences in heights. We suggest using 4 - 5 different types of plants, ideally ones with a clear difference in growth rate.
How you carry this investigation out depends greatly on the space you have available. You may choose to use separate plant pots or maybe you have a veg patch available. It’s good to discuss the importance of the plants being in the same locations. Why is the sun important for plants? Why is water important? You can go into as much or little detail as needed in these discussions.
It can be useful to set up a timetable of who is going to care for the plants each day. If you choose to use fruits or vegetables (highly recommended!) you can then go onto use these as another stimulus for activities.
Suggested Plants:
Baby Carrots
Bush Beans
Green Onions
Summer Squash
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Bird hunts are great fun and easy to do. Print out the sheet for your students to take into your outdoor space and mark off the birds as they find them.
It’s great if you can provide binoculars so they can spot the birds from a distance.
This resource contains sheets for both American and European birds.
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This health and nutrition activity aims to get students to understand which foods create a balanced diet. They will choose their favourite athlete and create either a day or weeks meal plan, researching which foods are needed for them to get the correct amount of nutrients. They will then think about why an athletes diet may be slightly different to somebody who is not involved in so much sport, answering a few scientific based questions.
Teacher’s Guide
4 x Differentiated Meal Plan Sheets
Question Sheet
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Rock pool hunts are great fun and easy to do. Print out the sheet for your students to take down to the beach and mark off the creatures and seaweeds as they find them.
It’s great if you can provide a magnifying glass so they can look at all the amazing details of the wildlife they find.
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Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time. The students will measure the height of each plant every week and record their findings on the table as well as drawing a picture of the plants.
We suggest using 4 - 5 different types of plants, ideally ones with a clear difference in growth rate. How you carry this investigation out depends greatly on the space you have available. You may choose to use separate plant pots or maybe you have a veg patch available.
It’s good to discuss the importance of the plants being in the same locations. Why is the sun important for plants? Why is water important? You can go into as much or little detail as needed in these discussions.
It can be useful to set up a timetable of who is going to care for the plants each day. If you choose to use fruits or vegetables (highly recommended!) you can then go onto use these as another stimulus for activities.
Suggested Plants:
Baby Carrots
Bush Beans
Green Onions
Summer Squash
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Minibeast hunts are great fun and easy to do. Print out the sheet for your students to take into your outdoor space and mark off the minibeasts as they find them.
It’s great if you can provide a magnifying glass so they can look at all the amazing details of each minibeast.
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This fun and visual sorting / cut and stick activity for recycling is a great addition to your sustainability or humans and the environment topic. Students will look at the items and sort them into the four main recycling materials (plastic, paper / cardboard, glass, and metal).
This resource works great both in small groups and individually. It’s great to encourage students to think about the kind of items they can recycle instead of throw into the trash.
You may also be interested in our pollution bundle.
Humans and The Environment: Pollution - HUGE BUNDLE
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This activity is all about students exploring different textures in the world around them. Don’t be afraid for students to get muddy for this activity! Explain to your class what the word ‘texture’ means and that they will be exploring all sorts of different textures in your outdoor space.
Give them the table and go through each texture, giving them a chance to check they know the meaning of each one. Once they are ready, wearing clothes that can get a bit wet and muddy, get them to go outside and try to find each of the textures in the table, drawing or writing down their findings.
Diff. 1 – Textures are already filled in on the table.
Diff. 2 – To give students more of a challenge, they can fill in different textures they can think of before heading outside. For students who need more support, this activity can be done in small groups with adult support.
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Exploring what hides in the depths of the trees is a great way to look at habitats, classification and living things as well improving observation skills and sparking their interest in science and the world around them.
Get a large white cloth or tarpaulin and lay it out underneath a tree with branches you can reach. Shake the branches for several seconds. Students can now find and observe the different mini-beasts that have fallen from the tree.
It’s great if you’re able to provide microscopes and magnifying glasses to take a closer look. The students can keep a simple record of what they’ve discovered on the record sheets.
Extension activities: Older students could do some report writing on one of the mini-beasts they found.
Equipment needed:
Large white cloth / tarpaulin
Record sheets
Magnifying glasses (optional)
Microscopes (optional)
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A guide for birds commonly found in the British woodlands & gardens. Laminate these sheets and take them with you when heading outside or keep a set accessible for students to use as they wish.
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The smell hunt is a great activity to get students exploring the wonderful smells nature has to offer. It’s perfect if you’re looking at our senses as part of the human body topic or descriptive writing and adjectives.
Students will find and crush the leaves of plants or trees before letting their partner smell the leaves without letting them see them. Their partner must then see if they can find the same leaves based on what they smelt.
For higher grade levels you can use small pots for them to collect and store the leaves in as well as completing the record sheet before swapping sheets with their partner.
This resource contains optional differentiated activities sheets that can be used to support this activity and provide good curricular links.
**Record sheet: **These sheets can be used for students to record the leaves they’ve collected and think of some adjectives to describe the different smells.
Evaluation: These sheets get students to think of the science behind smells, diving deeper into how we smell the crushed leaves and why things have particular smells.
The smell hunt is a great starter for our potion making resource.
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This is a great bingo activity for Halloween to get your students exploring the outdoors as they hunt for all the different creepy critters, sounds, and feelings they can find in your outdoor space. They’ll use all of their senses to complete their bingo sheet as they, listen, look, and feel for different things.
The sound map is a great way to get students listening to the sounds around them as they investigate this fascinating topic with good links to measuring, compass work and estimation.
They will choose a spot in your outdoor area to sit then mark on the sounds they can hear in relation to them (with them being in the middle of the sheet) by drawing or writing on the activity sheet.
Encourage students to think carefully about how far away they think the sounds are and mark them on the sheet accordingly. You can also look at bearings by getting students to mark on the estimated distances on their map. You can even give each child a compass so they can also mark on the bearings of each sound.
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Bring the outdoors to Advent with this fun outdoor activity Advent calendar. Each day of Advent has a fun and easy outdoor activity to complete. This calendar can be used in class, at home, or as part of a club or group. It’s great fun and your children are sure to love exploring the outdoors each day.
There are flaps included with this resource for you to stick over each activity. If you are not using the flaps, encourage your students not to peek at the other days!
Merry Christmas!
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For this activity students will head outside and explore the natural colors around them. They will use natural objects to color the Christmas themed pictures by rubbing them onto the paper. Encourage students to experiment with different items. It can be more effective if the students crush the natural items before doing the rubbing.
This is a lovely activity for the end of term and can make a great Christmas themed display for your classroom. You could also make their rubbings into Christmas cards to send home.
Check out our Christmas Literacy Challenge here.
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16 visual ecosystem vocabulary cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They are a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this exciting topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid.
17 X Key Vocabulary Cards
Display Title
2 Blank Cards
Vocabulary Included
Food chain
Food web
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Get outside everyday for a month with this fun outdoor activity calendar. This resource contains 30 different easy activity ideas to do outside. It’s a fantastic way to encourage outdoor learning that both you and your children are sure to love. It contains activities covering many different topics from science to art.
Enjoy your month outdoors!
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For this activity your class are on a mission to save the weeds. They will adopt a weed and spend some time studying it carefully and thinking about all the good things about their weed.
They will then write a letter to the caretaker or gardener persuading them to spare their weed from being poisoned or removed. This activity is great if you’re looking at persuasive writing, however it also has good links to plants and habitats as your class will research the benefits that their chosen plant has on local wildlife.
Teaching structure:
Instructions: Share the instructions with your class.
Weed ID: Get your class to find a weed to adopt and complete an ID sheet for it.
Research: Students will research their weed (internet, books, and observation), finding out how it can benefit the local wildlife.
Persuasive writing plan: Students will begin to plan their letter.
Letter template: Students can use a template to help them structure their letter if needed.
Resources needed:
Activity pack
Internet access / books
Magnifying glasses
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This activity gets students thinking about the changes that happen between day and night. They will walk around your outdoor space drawing or writing things they can see in the day time. They will then think about what would be different at night. Is there anything they won’t be able to see? What new things do they think they’ll be able to see.
They can complete the next section just through discussion, or find a time to go outside at night to complete the section. This could be done as a home learning project or on an overnight camp.
This activity is great to get your little ones thinking about the different animals and their behaviors as well as beginning to understand how the earth moves around the sun. It’s also an excellent way to at develop their observation and comparison skills.
Check out our ‘Day and Night’ cut and stick worksheet.
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